Vev Release Notes

What's New: Project Plans

Yujin avatar
Shared by Yujin • June 26, 2023

"Site Plans" Are Becoming "Project Plans

From April 25th 2022, we will be renaming "site plans" to "project plans". In addition, you will be able to publish a project to multiple publishing destinations with a single project plan ($5/month).

So, What's Changed?

Previously, you needed to purchase a site plan for each publishing destination and export option. So, if your project was published on three different destinations, you'd pay $15/month (=$5*3) to remove Vev watermarks.

What will happen to my existing site plans?

Nothing — unless you have projects associated with multiple site plans. In this case, your next invoice will be adjusted accordingly. For example, if your project was published to three publishing destinations, your next monthly incurring cost would be $5, instead of $15.

Read more on how to add, remove, and transfer your project plans here.

  • Design Editor: Empty comments would be submitted when pressing "enter" on the emoji button; this now has been fixed.
  • Content Editor: An issue where a canvas would stretch to the full width on the preview mode has now been fixed.
  • Design Editor: The overlay of the scrollytelling video wouldn't cover the section fully as you scroll; this now has been fixed and works both on IOS and Android.