Vev Release Notes

What's New: All-New Add-Menu

Yujin avatar
Shared by Yujin • May 07, 2024

Add-Menu is a feature you all love and use in your project almost daily. What if it's become even easier to browse, add, and swap components? Many of you have experienced this as beta users, and we're thrilled to announce that the all new Add-Menu is now available to everyone. Let’s find out what’s changed. 🫡

New UI & UX: Streamlined Navigation

With this update, we've reimagined the accessibility of our Add-Menu. The Add-Menu has now moved from the top bar to a new, more intuitive location in the far left corner, along with the Image, Video and Shape library. We thought this relocation would not only optimize your workspace but also align with natural navigation patterns.

Easily Browse and Swap Assets

Previously, browsing and switching between videos, images, and shapes required opening the Add-Menu modal directly over your canvas. Now, with the menu integrated to the left side as part of the asset library, swapping assets is more intuitive and significantly faster.

Setting Up for Future Updates

You’ll be happy to know that we’re just scratching the surface with this update. It lays the essential foundation for exciting developments planned for later this year. As a teaser, we've been hard at work behind the scenes to introduce Variables, Libraries, States, and Variants into Main components—all of which will be seamlessly accessible through the new Add-Menu library.

As always, we'd love to hear your feedback. Please feel free to reach out to us at or join our community. We're excited to see how it will streamline your experience in Vev. 🫶