Vev Release Notes

What's New: Fluid Breakpoints & More

Yujin avatar
Shared by Yujin • September 27, 2024

This month’s updates bring major upgrades: “Fluid Breakpoints”, “Auto Constraints”, updates on the top right panel, and a new edit mode for main components.

1. Fluid Breakpoints

In Vev, we use "fixed-width" breakpoints by default, meaning your design would snap at specific screen widths—and the jumpy transition may feel abrupt in some cases.

With “Fluid Breakpoints”, you now have the option to let your design scale smoothly within a breakpoint range. Instead of those sharp transitions, content resizes proportionally as screen width changes. Plus, you can design across the full canvas width without being confined to the safe zone.

2. Auto Constraints

Constraints manage how elements behave when their container resizes, keeping everything anchored and scaling smoothly across devices. While this process used to be automatic, you can now turn off "Auto Constraints" in the right-side style panel, giving you full control to set constraints manually without automatic adjustments.

3. Top Right Style Panel Update

We’ve added a new heading at the top of the right panel that instantly tells you the type of element you’re working on. For example, if you’re editing a section, the heading will display 'Section'. Clicking this heading also unlocks quick access to the context menu, the same one you’d normally get by right-clicking on the canvas.

4. Main Components Edit Mode

Main components are the backbone of Vev’s scalability—these reusable frames or sections ensure your designs stay consistent across your project. With the new “Edit Mode”, you now get a dedicated space away from the page you are working on to tweak main components.

On a slightly bittersweet note, with every new chapter comes a farewell to some old friends. 🥹

Animated words, Animated letters, Animated words advanced, and Animated letters advanced are officially retiring and won’t be popping up in the Add menu anymore. But don’t worry—if you’ve already used them in your projects, they’ll still be available for access. That said, we’re no longer supporting them as we shift gears to focus on building even more cool features for all of you.